Saturday, June 9, 2007

OUR song!

"it had to be you...wonderful you, it had to be you!" this song has always been part of our songlist as a couple. to others, we may strike as a couple with a lot of differences, but to those who know us, they can probably agree that we are a lot like each other. cliche as it may be, we even try to complete each other's sentences. we can read each other's minds! eerie...but when i stop and think about it, to me, it's magical!

that's how we started...chit-chatting about the corniest and the most serious topics anyone could think of..and slowly realizing we found the person we can "connect" with in each other. we burst into laughter at each other's jokes. we cry together at those heartbreaking moments or stories we get to know about (...and shed tears in Spidey 3, right? my current all-time favorite movie). we trust in each other's driving skills and yes, we both enjoy driving and talking about cars. we feast on our favorite foods (or at least, my recent cravings) - from UP Kalayaan's isaw, to Manong Zone's squidballs, to NY Fish & Chips, to Salted Pepper Garlic Squid, to Wagyu Beef, to a toasted bagel with cream cheese at Starbucks). we enjoy being with our families and spending time with friends. all these and more make up OUR special moments...and OUR being a couple.

[p.s. we even share the same favorite number now...he had no choice. hehe]

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